Our CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Debt Centre was established in 2009 and provides free, confidential debt advice to anyone struggling with unmanageable debt. To arrange for a home visit from one of our friendly, knowledgeable Debt Coaches, telephone 0800 328 0006 and speak to one of CAP’s New Enquiries team.

We run CAP Money Courses, a budgeting course for anyone wanting to manage their finances better and make their money work harder for them. In these difficult times, it is important to ensure that our finances are in the best possible shape. To find out about upcoming courses, visit CAP Money or email

We also run CAP Money Courses in our local schools, encouraging P6 and P7 pupils to think about how to be responsible with money and encouraging them from an early age to think about budgeting.

Our Life Skills Courses provide useful tips for those living on a tight budget. Over eight sessions, the course looks at cooking on a budget, shopping round for best deals and drawing up a budget. For further details, email

Open House is part of our CAP project. Meeting in Willowfield Church Halls on a Tuesday morning from 10-1pm, Open House is a welcoming drop in space where you can enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, take part in activities such a pool, boccia or curling and enjoy a space to rest and reflect. We have visits from advice agencies and from the Jobs and Benefits office. Everyone is welcome!